The Adelaide Hills

I live in the beautiful Adelaide Hills, and this is also where we have set up the manufacturing facility for Olive & Bee.
As Olive & Bee is now selling around Australia and around the world, I thought I would share a little more about where it comes from.
Adelaide is the capital of South Australia, and the Adelaide Hills are less than an hour away. The Adelaide Hills are known for amazing fresh local produce and wines, as well as quaint historic towns, cultural experiences and scenery.
Below are some images of where I live that I wanted to share.
Here’s a picture of the cottage on our property in the hills:
… and the view of our backyard from the infinity pool.
Here’s a pic of a mum and joey we saw at Cleland Wildlife Park:
…and the koala that came to visit us at the back door.
I highly recommend the Adelaide Hills as a holiday destination.
New recycled packaging is coming soon…
I’m very excited to announce that the next batch of Olive & Bee tubes will be made from 30% recycled plastic. This is the highest percentage of recycled plastic that is available for cosmetic tube production in Australia. Check with your local council if your empty tubes can also be recycled (LDPE plastic).